Samstag, 30. Oktober 2021
Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2021
The storm will cease
The storm will cease, abate the thunder,
The violent wind will soon subside,
The rose blossoms will show their wonder
And the sunshine will yet be bright.
The day will come, you won’t be crying,
All your temptations will also pass,
And all your sorrows, all your trials
Will be removed by Jesus Christ.
When your heart bleeds, when grieves came closely,
When pain is all your soul can feel,
He will approach you with great mercy
And tender wounds will gently heal.
Oh, run to Him, in heartfelt prayer,
When you are languishing in pain,
In any battle, you will prevail,
Then you will dwell with God in heaven.
Mittwoch, 4. August 2021
Was ist der Sinn deines Lebens? * What is the meaning of your life?
Was, wenn es die Wahrheit ist, was diese jungen Menschen singen?
Every knee will bow to the Lord God
Oh, I don't want to be there empty-handed
I don't want to look into the eyes of Jesus with shame
He who forsook his glory for me
And on the cross proved his love to me
No, he did not spare his life - he gave himself for us
Oh, I don't want to disappoint him when I'm there before him
Our time is running out
The earth will soon pass away
Jesus is coming for fetching his bride
We'll soon see the King
Oh, let us forget earthly things and live spiritually!
Thinking of others and passing on the truth
That the King will come again and then reward mankind
Everybody will stand before him and look him in the eye
Let us with our lives please God
So that in the end we have no regrets!
Come, let us rise, let us lift up our eyes
For the King is coming through the Golden Gate.
No, how could I stand still? Oh, and do nothing for him?
For him who gave himself for me
I won't rest a moment more
Our time is running out
The earth will soon pass away
Jesus is coming for fetching his bride
We'll soon see the King
Oh, let us forget earthly things and live spiritually!
Thinking of others and passing on the truth
That the King will come again and then reward mankind
Everyone will stand before him then and look him in the eye
Let us please God with our lives
So that in the end we have no regrets!
Our time is running out
The earth will soon pass away
Jesus is coming for fetching his bride
We'll soon see the King
Oh, let us forget earthly things and live spiritually!
Thinking of others and passing on the truth
That the King will come again and then reward mankind
Everyone will stand before him then and look him in the eye
Let us please God with our lives
So that in the end we have no regrets!
Samstag, 31. Juli 2021
Dienstag, 13. Juli 2021
Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2021
Freitag, 2. April 2021
Karfreitag * Good Friday
Was Jesus am Karfreitag für uns auf sich genommen hat, ist unvorstellbar. Im Film "Die Passion Christi" kann man es sehen, wenngleich man auch kaum hinschauen kann, ohne zu verzweifeln.
Donnerstag, 18. März 2021
Gott heilt: Mein Heilungszeugnis * God heals: My healing testimony
Geheilt von jahrelanger Bulimie mit Gottes Hilfe
Vor mittlerweile ca. 20 Jahren hatte ich Bulimie. Diese dauerte 3 Jahre und 3 Monate. In dieser Zeit habe ich tausende (damals noch) D-Mark ins Klo gekotzt. Ich war teilweise in körperlichen Zuständen, die lebensbedrohlich waren: Magen so vollgefressen, daß die Gefahr von Magenriß bestand. Heftige Herzzustände aufgrund Kaliummangels. Nierenschmerzen. Fast zerstocherte Speiseröhre von den Löffelstielen, mit denen man als Bulimiker den Brechreiz auszulösen versucht, weil es mit dem Finger nicht mehr geht. Totale seelische Verzweiflung, da ich mich niemandem anvertrauen konnte aus Scham.....
Ich hörte ständig nur allerorten: Bulimie ist eines der schlimmsten Süchte, die nur sehr schwer zu heilen ist und wenn, dann nur bei stationärer Behandlung. Stationäre Behandlung? Wie sollte dies gehen, wenn ich doch niemandem davon erzählen wollte? Somit so tiefe Verzweiflung, daß ich dachte, ich würde wohl irgendwann daran sterben. Meine einzige Hoffnung war, daß Gott mir helfen möge, daher betete ich und flehte immer wieder zu Ihm.
Dann schließlich eines Abends bekam ich die dringend notwendige Hilfe vom Herrn:
Ich saß auf meinem Bett, auf welchem ich häufig meine Freßgelage
abhielt, stopfte Unmengen Schokolade in mich rein und schaute fern. Es
gab dort einen Beitrag, in welchem es um Fragen des Glaubens ging. Eine
Person erzählte von ihrer Beziehung zu Gott und sprach die Worte "Wenn
es Dir schlecht geht, dann wende Dich an Gott, der hilft Dir WIRKLICH!"
Ich habe in diesem Moment sowohl die Überzeugtheit der Person, als
auch die Wahrheit dieses Satzes extrem stark wahrgenommen. Und
unmittelbar sagte eine Stimme in mir bzw. ein Text wurde in meinem Kopf
abgespult, der sinngemäß lautet:
Im selben Moment wurde mir klar,
daß ich als Kind Gottes, welches ja Seine Eigenschaften widerspiegelt,
mir selbst gar keinen Schaden zufügen KANN. Mir war klar bewußt, daß
mein selbstzerstörerisches Verhalten total widersinnig war und ich dies
nicht fortführen KONNTE, eben aufgrund der plötzlichen Erkenntnis
meiner Gotteskindschaft.
Diese Worte der Wahrheit, diese Offenbarung, die mir eingegeben wurde und die mich quasi für einige Sekunden "erleuchtete", hat in mir alles abrupt um 180 Grad herumgedreht. Ich fühlte eine Klarheit in meinem Kopf, die man unter normalen Umständen des täglichen Lebens gar nicht kennt. Alles Zerstörerische war unmittelbar weg, und zudem hatte ich die Gewißheit: Ich bin geheilt, der Horror ist vorbei. Mich überkam ein tiefer Frieden, Dankbarkeit. Die schlimme Zeit kam mir vor wie ein Alptraum, aus dem ich nun erwacht war. Das ganze Suchtmäßige, Zwanghafte war komplett gelöscht. Die zig Sachen, die ich an diesem Abend noch hatte essen wollen, schmiß ich in die Mülltonne. Seit diesem Abend konnte wieder ganz normal essen, auch Rückfälle oder Unsicherheiten gab es keine.
Lob und Ehre dem HERRN!
About 21 years ago now, I suffered from bulimia. This lasted 3 years and 3 months. During this time I threw up thousands of (at that time) D-Mark into the toilet. I was partly in physical conditions that were life-threatening: stomach so full that there was a danger of stomach rupture. Violent heart conditions due to potassium deficiency. Kidney pain. Almost destroyed esophagus from the spoon handles with which bulimics try to induce vomiting, because it is no longer possible with the finger. Total mental despair, because I could not confide in anyone out of shame......
I constantly heard everywhere: bulimia is one of the worst addictions, which is very difficult to cure and if, then only with inpatient treatment. Inpatient treatment? How could I do that if I didn't want to tell anyone about it? Thus, such deep despair that I thought I would probably die of it someday. My only hope was that God would help me, so I prayed and pleaded with Him again and again.
Then finally one night I got the much needed help from the Lord:
I was sitting on my bed, on which I often had my binge eating, stuffing loads of chocolate inside me and watching TV. There was a program on there that was about issues of faith. One person was talking about her relationship with God and spoke the words "When you're feeling down, turn to God, he REALLY helps you!" I perceived extremely strongly at that moment both the conviction of the person and the truth of these words. And immediately a voice inside me, or rather a text was reeled off in my head, which read, mutatis mutandis:
"You are a child of God.
God wants you to be well.
He does NOT want you to suffer, to harm yourself, to be unhappy."
At the same moment I realized that as a child of God, reflecting His attributes, I CAN'T harm myself at all. I was clearly aware that my self-destructive behavior was totally absurd and I COULD not continue it, precisely because of the sudden realization of my childship to God.
These words of truth, this revelation, which was given to me and which "enlightened" me for a few seconds, so to speak, turned everything abruptly around 180 degrees in me. I felt a clarity in my mind that is not even known in normal circumstances of daily life. Everything destructive was immediately gone, and moreover I had the certainty: I am healed, the horror is over. I was overcome by a deep peace, gratitude. The terrible time seemed like a nightmare from which I had now awakened. All the addictive, compulsive stuff was completely erased. I threw the umpteen things that I had wanted to eat that evening into the garbage can. Since that evening I could eat normally again, and there were no relapses or insecurities.
Montag, 8. März 2021
Mittwoch, 3. März 2021
Heaven is my native land, Heaven is my home
The english translation of the lyrics can be found below the video.